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Reviews and comments

Settimio Biondi
Il mondo ai piedi del Monte Guastanella (Antonio Fragapane, La Sicilia)
Sicilia Journal (Anna Rita Fontana)
Senecio (Marco Scalabrino)
Presentazioni agosto 2014
La Siclia (Chiara Mangione)
La Sicilia.it (on St. Calogero)
Libromondo (Anthony Coppola)
Bellaciaoag.it (giornale per guardare lontano)
Orazio Tringali
Quotidiano di storia e archeologia (Pierluigi Montalbano)
Marco Scalabrino
La ricerca (Mauro Reali)
Archeologia Viva
Quotidiano di storia e archeologia
Louis Godart
Vincenzo D'Alessio
Liturgia Giovane
Paolo Calabrò (Pagina Tre)

Rosamaria Rita Lombardo

The final resting place of the King

A millenary Sicilian narration “reveals” the tomb of Minos

€ 14,00 pp. 112 (Nefesh 5)
ISBN 978 88 97441 34 2

Monte Guastanella has been nominated for the World Monuments Watch List. See also here.

Great interview by Alvise Campostrini in Fattitaliani.it

Italian version of this page here

Video by Giorgio Russomanno.

Also in Arbor sapientiaE

Watch also the trailer filmed on the spot with the “poetic” witness from the voice of the narrator Nicolò Lombardo, father of the author.

You can order our books through info@faraeditore.it ot to 0541.22596 at a discount of 15% (3 additional euros for purchase in Italy). You will find a filled in postal bulletin attached and our bank account details in case you prefer to pay by bank transfer.

This book, the result of a several years study of written and oral traditions and of archaeological investigations on the field, explains and justifies a sensational hypothesis: a well-defined site  located in Sicily could be the real burial place of the legendary Cretan King Minos. To confirm this suggestive archaeological hypothesis, several evidences are provided coming from both the historical sources on the sad ending of the adventure of King Minos in Sicily and from autoptic, topographical, toponymical and hydrographical survey made in this area. The very presence of  Minos burial site in Sicily  is also hand down by a valuable popular memory, collected and verified directly by the author who closes the book with these significant words: “The future for all of us – I am firmly convinced – has an ancient heart.”

Rosamaria Rita Lombardo was born in Palermo and lives in Milan. She took Classics degree (Archaeology) at the  University of Milan and she has been teaching in High schools for years. An articol of hers – Echi saffici in antiche voci di Siclia. Un esempio di esperienza didattica – has been published in «Il Voltaire» 2/1999. See also: Miti e fiabe di metamorfosi tra Scilla e Cariddi, Culti pagani e culti cristiani – San Calogero di Agrigento: l'Ercole di memoria ciceroniana (in Siciliafan.it too), Messinaoggi.it


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